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Search engine optimization
Search engine optimization is essentially the science of designing your web site to maximize your
search engine rankings. This means that all of the elements of your web site are created with the
goal of obtaining high search engine rankings. Those elements include:
Entry and exit pages
Page titles
Site content
Web site structure

In addition to these elements, however, you also have to consider things like keywords, links, HTML,
and meta-tagging. Even after you have all the elements of your page optimized for search-engine
friendliness, there are other things to consider. For example, you can have all the right design elements
included in your web pages and still have a relatively low search engine ranking. Factors such
as advertising campaigns and update frequencies also affect your SEO efforts.
All of this means that you should understand that the concept of search engine optimization is not
based on any single element. Instead, search engine optimization is based on a vast number of elements
and strategies. And it』s an ongoing process that doesn』t end once your web site is live.
SEO is a living, breathing concept of maximizing the traffic that your web site generates, and because
it is, that means that it』s a constantly moving target. If you』ve ever played a game of Whack-a-Mole,
you can understand how difficult search engine optimization is to nail. In the game, a little mole pops
up out of a hole. Your job is to whack the mole on the top of the head before it disappears back down
the hole and appears in another.
Search engine optimization is much the same concept. Search engines are constantly changing, so
the methods and strategies used to achieve high search engine rankings must also change. As soon
as that little mole pops up in one hole, he disappears and then reappears in another. It』s a frustrating
game, but given enough time and concentration, you can become very good at it. <<SEO Bible>>




alt 屬性是一個必需的屬性,它規定在圖像無法顯示時的替代文本。 假設由於下列原因用戶無法查看圖像,alt 屬性可以為圖像提供替代的信息,所以它也就間接的改變了,有圖片變成文本,這就是所謂的改變,所以不要太糾結在這個詞上!


SEO(Search Engine Optimization),漢譯為搜索引擎優化,是較為流行的網路營銷方式,主要目的是增加特定關鍵字的曝光率以增加網站的能見度,進而增加銷售的機會。分為站外SEO和站內SEO兩種。SEO的主要工作是通過了解各類搜索引擎如何抓取互聯網頁面、如何進行索引以及如何確定其對某一特定關鍵詞的搜索結果排名等技術,來對網頁進行相關的優化,使其提高搜索引擎排名,從而提高網站訪問量,最終提升網站的銷售能力或宣傳能力的技術。


應該是season吧,season[英]ˈsi:zn[美]ˈsizənn.季節,季;時期;活動期,時令;暫時vt.使適應,使適用;調味vt. vi.使變乾燥[例句]He says this holiday season has not brought much joy.他說,這個節日季節並沒有帶給他多大的欣喜。
