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發布時間:2020-12-06 07:14:31


People may think that English Manie is too overwhelming that it has too much bad effect on people around the world, especially Chinese students. As we heard in the video, Chinese students are even forced to study a language probably has nothing to do with their life and probably never used in their lives. What is more ridiculous is that English even is able to decide a student's fate when they take Gaokao.
However, being able to speak English can benefit so well too. If you can speak English, it means you have more opportunities than other people who cannot. If you can speak English you can talk with people around the world about international issues.
I think being able to speak English is good, but it doesn't mean everyone has to learn it, because there are so many things more important than English. Let's seize the day and be happy.




Well,English is really very important for Chinese students,inclde you and me.We have to practice English every day !Maybe we do not like English at all, but we have to study English for our test.China is a cruel country for each student.So,If we want to learn English well,we should study hard and like this language !Let us try to enjoy speaking English,I believe we can learn it better.Thank you.


新概念青少版就是新概念一冊,劍橋英語難度有點大,生詞很多,新概念英語嘴好學第二冊和第一冊110課以後,可以有效的提高成績。 新概念英語的錄音材料









如果你以為papi醬真的是一個現象級的網紅,那就錯了。根據《白皮書》顯示,Papi醬拿到天使投資後,成立Papitube用以孵化更多的內容作者。簡言之,Papi醬已經實現了從單兵作戰,到集團化作戰的轉型。而白皮書也同時指出,2016年超級網紅、老牌視頻內容生產商、頭部垂直欄目都在利用自己的優勢,從單一內容生產者轉型MCN(Multi-Channel Network,多頻道網路)。




























You can'tconnect the dots looking forward, you can only connect them looking backwards.So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. Youhave to trust in something, your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. Because believingin the dots will connect down the road ,will give you the confidence to followyour heart, even when it leads you off the well-worn path and that will makeall the difference.

Your time is limited. So don't waste it living someone else's life. Don'tbe trapped by dogma which is living with the results of other people'sthinking. Don't let the noise of other's opinions drown down your own innervoice. You've got to find what you love. And that is true for your work as itis for your lovers. Your work is gonna fill large part of your life. And theonly way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And theonly way to do great work is to love what you do.If you haven't found it yet,keep looking and don't settle. Have the courage to follow your heart andintuition. They somehow already know what you truly want to become.

But you gonnahave some ups, you gonna have some downs. Most people give up on themselveseasily. You know the human spirit is powerful? There's nothing that powerful.It's hard to kill the human spirit. Anybody can feel good when they have theirhealth, their bills paid, they have happy relationships. Anybody can bepositives then. Anybody can have large ambition then. Anybody can have faith onthose circumstances.
The realchallenge of growth mentally, emotionally, spiritually comes when you getknocked down. It takes courage to act. Party of being hungry when you are beingdefeated. It takes courage to start over again.

Fear killsdreams. Fear kills hope. Fear put people in the hospital. Fear can age you, canhold you back from doing something that you know within yourself, that you arecapable of doing but it will paralyze you.

At the end ofyour feelings,it nothing. But at the end of every principle, it』s a promise. Behindyour little feelings, it might not be absolutely noting at the end of yourlittle feelings. But behind every principle, it』s promise. And some of you inyour life, the reason why you are not at your goal right now, cuz you』re justall about your feelings. You ,you, all on your feelings ,you don』t feeling likewaking up. So, who does? Every day, you say no to your dreams. You might bepushing your dreams back a whole six months, a whole year! That one single day,that one day, you didn』t get up could』ve pushed your stuff back I don』t knowhow long.
Don』t allow youremotions to control you. We are emotional but we wanna begin to discipline youremotion. If you don』t discipline and contain your emotions, they will use you.

You want it andyou』re gonna go all out to have it. It』s not going to be easy. When you wannachange, it』s not easy. If it were in fact easy, everybody』d can do it. But ifyou are serious, you』d go all out.
I』m in control here. I』m not gonna let thisget me down. I』m not gonna let this destroy me. I coming back. And I』ll bestronger and better because of it. You have got to make a declaration, this iswhat you stand for. You』re standing up for you dreams. You』re stand up forpiece of mind. You』re standing up for health. Take full responsibility for yourlife. Accept where you are, and the responsibility that you』re gonna takeyourself where you want to go. You can decide that I am gonna live each day asif it were my last.
Live your lifewith passion, with some drive. Decide that you』re going to push yourself. Thelast chapter to your life has nothing written yet. And it doesn』t matter aboutwhat happened yesterday. It doesn』t matter about what happens to you. Whatmatters is what are you gonna do about it.

This year I willmake this goal become a reality. I won』t talk about it anymore!
I can did it Ican did it I can did it.

To persevere, Ithink it』s important for everybody. Don』t give up. Don』t give in. There』salways an answer for everything.


